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Everything posted by Dottie

  1. I am sure we shall chat again as I will miss koach.com and all of you. Thanks for all the kindness you have shown me over the years. Life changes are hard to make but I shall stay positive about this as it will be an opportunity to do some other things. Keep a light in the window and a key where I can find it. I shall not forget my password. Will see you again, Dottie
  2. May 21, 2011 Hello Everyone, Its been a very long journey on the net for me since I first joined the internet because of a hurt foot that need to be elevated. When I joined I went to msn computing chats and meet some wonderful and not too wonderful chatters. On June 5th 1999 I was asked to be a host and I accepted. Never thought I would still be hosting all these years. It is now time for me share a few things. I would like to share bit about my self which I am sure some have figured out and others never will. 1st of all I am married to a wonderful guy. We have been married for 44 years. Yes 44 and I have two children a son and a daughter, 4 grandchildren all adults 3 girls and one boy, I also have 3 great grand children two girls in college and one boy who is 8 years old. We have a wonderful family and I love each and everyone of them. I celebrated my 82nd birthday this past May and have been thinking of retiring from hosting for some time now. It is hard at this age to keep up with all the things I feel are needed to be an asset to the team. I have discussed this a little bit with Koach and he reminds me that is a small part of being an Ircop and I am ok with that but I felt I should let all of you know why it is so difficult for me to remember things and why I depend on all of you so much. I will be leaving the ircop position as of May 24th my 83 Birthday. The future in chat is still unclear at this time as I want to have more time in the evening to spend sewing and entertaining friends and family. Hubby is really looking forward to the change too. He knows that the tv is taking too much of his time and the computer too much of my time and we both agree we should do some changes, while we still can. Koach you have been wonderful to allow me to be part of the great team you have. I am very fond of all of you. Dottie
  3. A very late Happy Birthday filled with the best for this year and all the years to come.
  4. ] Would like to see you again in chat Ducky, Hope all is well with you.
  5. Happy Birthday Beguilding Myst!!!
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