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An older gent had an appointment to see a urologist who shared an office with several other doctors. The waiting room was filled with patients. He approached the receptionist desk. The receptionist was a large imposing woman who looked like a wrestler. He gave her his name. In a very loud voice the receptionist said, "Yes, I see your name here. You want to see the doctor about impotence, right?" All of the patients in the waiting room snapped their head around to look at the very embarrassed man. He recovered quickly though, and in an equally loud voice replied, "No, I've come to inquire about a sex change operation and I'd like the same doctor that did yours!"
Looking for a good IRC script with a lot of functions. This is a solid and nicely put together mIRC script Download from Here
From coders-irc-lounge to all chatters on Koach.com we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
; Invite Script v1.0 - by entropy 2020 - updated: 6/19/20 ; Change: \"#test\" to the channel you want it to work on ; Then: !i <nickname> ; RAWs for /INVITE raw 443:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick $2 is already on $3 | halt } } raw 341:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick $qt($2) has been invited to $3 | halt } } raw 401:*:{ if (%x_nick) { .notice %x_nick No such nickname $qt($2) on IRC | halt } } ; Events for /INVITE on *:input:#test:{ if (!i * iswm $1- && $server) { doinvite $2 $me } } on *:text:!i *:#test:{ doinvite $2 $nick } ; Alias alias -l doinvite { if ($me !isop $chan) { .notice $2 I am not a channel operator on $chan } else { set -u3 %x_nick $2 | invite $1 $chan } }
menu * { Rejoin channels . on $network : rejoin $network .on all networks : .scon -at1 rejoin $!network } alias rejoin { var %rejoin.network = $iif($1,$1,$network) var %a = 1, %b = $ini(mirc.ini,chanfolder,0) while %a <= %b { var %channel = $readini(mirc.ini,chanfolder,$ini(mirc.ini,chanfolder,%a)) var %aj = $gettok(%channel,-1,44) var %network = $noqt($gettok(%channel,$iif(%aj isnum,-2,-1),44)) var %channel = $noqt($gettok(%channel,1,44)) if %network == %rejoin.network && %channel !ischan && %aj isnum { .timer -m 1 $calc(500 * %a) join %channel } inc %a } } Have you ever re-connected to a network, only to find that some of your favorite channels are in +R mode? If, like me, you've come across this, even if you have a registered nick, mIRC's favorites folder tries to connect you to those channels whether you have identified for your nick or not. Once you've identified for your nick, simply run this little script, and it'll connect you to all of the channels that are in your favorites.. even handles multiple networks. This can be used from the menu system, or using the /rejoin alias. If isn't specified, then the current network will be used by default. 500 millisecond delay added to the join command for networks that are fussy regarding joining lots of channels quickly. Code By: RusselB
so many options, so many ways you can play with it!
Or simple way of doing it is like this on *:CONNECT:{ if ($network == chat3.koach.com) { msg NickServ identify <password> } if ($network == irc.rizon.org) { msg NickServ identify <password> } if ($network == irc.coders-irc.net) { msg NickServ identify <password> } }
menu * { Auto Identify:/dialog -m _auto_ident _auto_ident } dialog -l _auto_ident { title "Auto Identify" size -1 -1 92 96 option dbu list 1, 2 8 89 34, size vsbar box "", 2, 0 0 92 87 edit "", 3, 3 43 50 10, disable autohs edit "", 4, 3 53 50 10, disable pass autohs text "Nickname", 5, 53 45 36 8, right text "Password", 6, 53 55 36 8, right button "Add", 8, 2 73 16 12, disable button "Edit", 9, 39 73 17 12, disable button "Cancel", 10, 56 73 33 12, disable button "Del", 20, 18 73 21 12, disable edit "", 21, 3 63 50 10, disable autohs text "Network", 22, 53 65 36 8, right text "Developed by Nikolas/updated by Chain", 23, 1 87 90 8, disable center } on *:dialog:_auto_ident:*:*:{ if ($devent == init) { _auto_ident_init } elseif ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 8) { if (!$hget(_auto_ident,$+($did($dname,3).text,.,$did($dname,21).text))) { hadd -m _auto_ident $+($did($dname,3).text,.,$did($dname,21).text) $did($dname,4).text did -r $dname 3,4,21 did -b $dname 8 _auto_ident_refresh _auto_ident_save } else { noop $input("This Nickname is allready added on your list on the same network,o,Auto Identify) } } elseif ($did == 1) && ($did($dname,1).seltext) { set %_auto_ident_edit 1 var %name = $gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,1,32) var %network = $remove($gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,2,32),$chr(40),$chr(41)) did -ra $dname 3 %name did -ra $dname 4 $+($chr(1),$chr(2),$chr(3),$chr(4)) did -ra $dname 21 %network did -e $dname 9,10,4,20 did -b $dname 3,8 } elseif ($did == 9) { hadd -m _auto_ident $+($did($dname,3).text,.,$did($dname,21).text) $iif($did($dname,4).text == $+($chr(1),$chr(2),$chr(3),$chr(4)),$hget(_auto_ident,$did($dname,3).text),$v1)) did -r $dname 3,4,21 | did -b $dname 9,10,8,20 | did -e $dname 3 | did -u $dname 1 set %_auto_ident_edit 0 _auto_ident_refresh _auto_ident_save } elseif ($did == 10) { did -r $dname 3,4,21 did -b $dname 9,10,8,20 did -e $dname 3 did -u $dname 1 set %_auto_ident_edit 0 } elseif ($did == 20) { hdel _auto_ident $+($did($dname,3).text,.,$did($dname,21).text) did -r $dname 3,4,21 did -b $dname 9,10,8,20 did -e $dname 3 did -u $dname 1 set %_auto_ident_edit 0 _auto_ident_refresh _auto_ident_save } } elseif ($devent == edit) { if ($did($dname,3).text) && ($did($dname,4).text) && ($did($dname,21).text) && (%_auto_ident_edit != 1) { did -e $dname 8 } else { did -b $dname 8 } } } alias -l _auto_ident_init { if (!$hget(_auto_ident)) hmake _auto_ident if ($exists(_auto_ident.hsh)) hload _auto_ident _auto_ident.hsh else hsave _auto_ident _auto_ident.hsh if ($dialog(_auto_ident)) { did -e _auto_ident 3,4,21 _auto_ident_refresh } } alias -l _auto_ident_refresh { did -r _auto_ident 1 var %i = 1 var %e = $hfind(_auto_ident,*,0,w) while (%i <= %e) { var %entry = $hfind(_auto_ident,*,%i,w) var %value = $hget(_auto_ident,%entry) did -a _auto_ident 1 $gettok(%entry,1,46) ( $+ $gettok(%entry,2,46) $+ ) inc %i } } alias -l _auto_ident_save { hsave _auto_ident _auto_ident.hsh } on *:notice:*:?:{ if ($nick == NickServ) && (*This nickname is registered and protected* iswm $1-) { if (!$hget(_auto_ident)) { _auto_ident_init } .msg NickServ identify $$hget(_auto_ident,$+($me,.,$network)) } } This add-on allows you to store your identifies for every nick you have on a network you will specify. The passwords are getting stored in plain text mode, but this wont be a problem. This add-on creates a file called _auto_ident.hsh containing the data of your Nicknames and Identifies on each network.
on *:connect:{ .msg NickServ IDENTIFY urpasshere }
Wow lot of nics I remember and haven't seen in ages
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