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Everything posted by Morph3us

  1. I added a raw to it to kill a ghost on *:NOTICE:*:*: { if (Nickserv!*service* iswm $fulladdress) && (Koach.com == $network) && (*nickname is registered* iswm $1-) { identify ************* } } raw 433:*:{ .nickserv ghost YOURNICKNAMEHERE ********** .Nick YOURNICKNAMEHERE } ***************** is where your pasword is
  2. You could replace the /msg with .msg for security that way it doesn't show your password on notice
  3. These links are dead now. I could post the final version pics if you all want.
  4. Office 2013 Save Screen
  5. thanks for the birthday wish's
  6. Added more in first post.. The control panel pics
  7. http://nanabyte.com/...rt%20screen.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/desktop.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/explorer.png http://nanabyte.com/...win8/system.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/taskmon1.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/taskmon2.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/taskmon3.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/taskmon4.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/taskmon5.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/taskmon6.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/taskmon7.png sorry i had post as links but here it is added control panel http://nanabyte.com/...win8/cpanel.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel2.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel3.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel4.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel5.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel6.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel7.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel8.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel9.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/cpanel10.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/cpanel11.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/cpanel12.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/cpanel13.png http://nanabyte.com/...in8/cpanel4.png http://nanabyte.com/...n8/cpanel15.png
  8. i cant upload anymore as the global upload quota is too small
  9. Happy Birthday
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