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Everything posted by TV_Tech

  1. Here is a 1950 Zenith Porthole set. These are VERY hard to find these days. This one is near basket case condition but I believe I can bring it back to life with a lot of time and effort.
  2. 96 is correct
  3. Claims are only 1 in a 1,000 can solve it 1 + 4 = 5 2 + 5 = 12 3 + 6 = 21 8 + 11 = ?
  4. sit ubu sit!! good doggie
  5. looks to me to be a cell phone antenna array
  6. Can not be unseen....
  7. dent wizard is going to be very busy... https://www.dentwizard.com/ amazing process of massaging the metal to remove the dents.
  8. "she went to sleep charging the netbook LOL" LOL, that's our blondie
  9. gophers beware
  10. LOL!!
  11. whew, glad to hear blondie's doing well and thanks for the update stormy
  12. Cabinet stripped and re-finished. I went with a satin finish vs high gloss. I think it looks a lot nicer Now on to the chassis and speaker....
  13. lol yep, they got their name as they resemble the head stock of a fiddle even though the fern was invented long before the fiddle LOL!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiddlehead_fern They are a delicacy in these parts
  14. fiddle heads are baby ferns when they pop out of the ground in the spring
  15. Cream of fiddlehead soup with Parmesan bacon dust INGREDIENTS 1/4 c. butter (60ml) 1 medium onion, diced 4 c. chicken stock (1L) 2 lbs. fresh fiddleheads (1kg) 1 c. heavy cream (250ml) 1 1/2 c. 2 per cent or whole milk (375ml) 3 to 4 strips bacon,cooked very crispy 1/3 c. freshly grated Parmesan (75ml) 2/3 c. Panko style breadcrumbs (150ml) 1 Tbsp. olive oil (15ml) DIRECTIONS Melt the butter in a large soup pot over medium head and sauté the onion for 3 to 4 minutes or until softened. Season with fresh ground pepper then add the chicken stock and fiddleheads. Bring to a gentle boil then reduce heat and simmer for 5 to 8 minutes or until the fiddleheads are fork tender but a little crisp still. Remove from heat and puree the soup in batches, in a processor or blender, to desired texture. Return the soup to the pot and stir in the cream and milk. Gently heat through until hot enough to serve. While the soup is cooking, combine the olive oil and breadcrumbs and toast until golden. Crush the bacon into a course dust. In a small bowl blend the toasted breadcrumbs, bacon dust and Parmesan until well mixed. Season the soup again if needed then serve in bowls or cups topped with a thick spring of the crumble.
  16. can he claim a turkey on his business expenses too ?
  17. nice choice koach! russian blues are among the best of cats they are very dedicated to their owners. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Blue
  18. TV_Tech


  19. but are you getting good value for your money Dawn??
  20. and that's what drives them nuts
  21. Very nice car Tony When does my HellCat arrive ?? LOL!
  22. TV_Tech


    sorry to hear about Ryan Dawn :-( I still have my appendix and can donate it if he wants I believe there is some good in everyone. For some the good takes a lot of looking before you find it but it is there.
  23. "!st resetscores* Resets all scores." <<--- is this a wise command to have active or does that Astrix mean something.
  24. TV_Tech

    Tom the Welder

  25. TV_Tech

    The atheist

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