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  1. thnx wl3a
  2. thnx dear
  3. Bry

    Police on patrol

  4. ty bro
  5. Bry

    Yikes! Pirates!

    u funy
  6. Happy Birth Day My BoSS
  7. Thnx My Admin
  8. thnx
  9. In any case... here's the Channel Owner/Operator Script, in full. This lets you manage a channel via a right-click based menu in mIRC. Simply right-click anywhere inside mIRC's channels and you'll see the script in action. Edit: Thanks to Liam for helping me catch an error involving the A- Acess addition. It has now been fixed. I've also added ban/unban. Code: ;================================= ;Channel Owner/Operator script for use with ShatteredTears and Digibase. ;By Bry Aka Secret Script Soul.Heart@live.com ;If you need more help with the script, please contact me on irc.Koach.com ;================================= menu status,channel { ShatteredTears Owner Commands .- .Channel Information ..Channel Info:/cs info $chan all .- .ChanServ ..Register:/cs register $?="Enter channel name" $?="Enter the channel password" $?="Enter the channel's description" ..Set ...Founder (Change founder):/cs set $?="Enter channel" FOUNDER $$?="Enter Founder's Name" ...Set Succesor:/cs set $?="Enter channel" successor $$?="Enter Founder's Name" ...Remove Successor:/cs set $?="Enter channel" unsuccessor ...Password (Change a channel's password):/cs set $?="Enter Channel name" password $$?="Enter channel's new password" ...Description (Change a channel's description):/cs set $?="Enter Channel name" DESC $$?="Enter the channel's new description" ...M-lock (Locks the channel to certain modes) ....Mode n (No external messages) .....ON:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name" MLOCK +n .....OFF:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name" MLOCK -n ....Mode t (Make it so only ops can change the channel topic) .....ON:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name" MLOCK +t .....OFF:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name" MLOCK -t ....Mode i (Invite Only) .....ON:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode i on" MLOCK +i .....OFF:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode i off" MLOCK -i ....Mode s (Make the channel secret) .....ON:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode s on" MLOCK +s .....OFF:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode s off" MLOCK -s ....Mode p (Make the channel private) .....ON:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode p on" MLOCK +p .....OFF:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode p off" MLOCK -p ....Mode k (Set a channel key) .....ON:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode k on" MLOCK +k $$?="Enter Key" .....OFF:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode k off" MLOCK -k ....Mode l (Limit to a certain amount of users) .....ON:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode l on" MLOCK +l $$?="Enter number of people to allow in the channel" .....OFF:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode l off" MLOCK -l ....Mode m (Make the channel moderated) .....ON:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode m on" MLOCK +m .....OFF:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name to lock mode m off" MLOCK -m ....Remove all modelocks:/cs set $?="Enter Channel name" mlock + ...Help ....Set Help:/cs help set ....Founder Help:/cs help set founder ....Successor Help:/cs help set successor ....Password Help:/cs help set password ....Desccription Help:/cs help set desc ....M-lock Help:/cs help set mlock ..CF ...Add:/cs CF $?="Enter channel name to add a Co-Founder to" ADD $$?="Enter name or mask of the new cofounder" ...Delete:/cs CF $?="Enter channel name to delete a Co-Founder from" DEL $$?="Enter index number or mask of the cofounder to be deleted" ...List:/cs CF $?="Enter channel name to list Co-Founders" LIST ..Owner ...Add:/cs access # add $$?="User?" 9999" ...Delete:/cs access # del $$?="User?" ...List:/cs access # list ..SOP ...Add:/cs access # add $$?="User?" 10" ...Delete:/cs access # del $$?="User?" ...List:/cs access # list ..AOP ...Add:/cs access # add $$?="User?" 8" ...Delete:/cs access # del $$?="User?" ...List:/cs access # list ..HOP ...Add:/cs access # add $$?="User?" 4" ...Delete:/cs access # del $$?="User?" ...List:/cs access # list ..VOP ...Add:/cs access # add $$?="User?" 3" ...Delete:/cs access # del $$?="User?" ...List:/cs access # list ..Ban/Unban ...Kick a user:/cs kick $chan $nick $?="Who do you want to kick? Part 1 of 2 commands." $$?"Enter the message you want to include in the kick, part 2 of 2 commands." ....Ban a user:/mode $chan +b $address($?="Who do you want to ban?",4) ....Unban a user:/mode $chan -b $address($?="Who do you want to unban?",4) ..Akick ...Add:/cs AKICK $?="Enter channel name to add an AKICK to" ADD $?="Enter name or mask of the new AKICK" ...Delete:/cs AKICK $?="Enter channel name to delete an AKICK from" DEL $?="Enter index number or mask of the AKICK to be deleted" ...List:/cs AKICK $?="Enter channel name to list AKICKS" LIST $?="Enter search pattern(leave blank for none)" ..Help ...Register Help:/cs help ...SOP Help:/cs help sop ...AOP Help:/cs help aop ...Akick Help:/cs help akick ...Drop Help:/cs help drop ...Identify Help:/cs help identify ...Access Help:/cs help access ...Op Help:/cs help op ...Invite Help:/cs help invite .- .User Information ..Names in the Channel:/names #$$?="Lists who's in the Channel. Enter a channel's name. Example: Doujinstyle" ..Who is:/whois $$?="Enter a nick to check in the text box below." ..Who was:/whowas $$?="This is to check a user's nick history. Nickname:" ..DNS Lookup:/dns -c $$?="This checks a person's DNS. Enter a person's nick in the text box below." .- .invite ..Invite:/cs invite $?="Enter channel to invite a sender to" } Edit: If you have multiple scripts loaded in your mIRC, you'll need to make a new page. To do this, please click, once inside the Scripts Editor that you just opened up, File, New... and simply paste into it. Like shown below: Once you have that, the script should then show up, like so: ChangeLog: Fixed A-kick issue. Fixed A-kick removal issue. Added kick and ban/unban commands. Added ChanServ subsection, to do with registering, setting modes, setting some other options. Added levels of ops to add/remove and the option to give temporary ops to someone. Did massive rewrite of code... well, not quite massive. More like rearranging, making sure it made sense and all that fun ****.
  10. Nice
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