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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Dottie~ I know we've never had the chance to chat as often as I would have liked but, from what chatting we have done I can see that you're a very sweet and compassionate lady. I feel very lucky to have had the pleasure to have had chats, I certainly can understand why you've decided to retire, family has always been first and foremost for me and you've got quite a family both in your home and here on, koach.com. Hopefully you'll return to keep us informed with you and the family. I'll miss you, Dottie but i'll also know how happy you are. Take care & God bless you and your loving family. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers always. with much love. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  2. Happy Birthday, napalm!
  3. Happy Birthday, Handyman!
  4. Dawn, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your mother in-law. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and the entire family.
  5. Happy Birthday, Walter
  6. Happy Birthday, charles! with many more to come..
  7. Happy Birthday, Fovea!
  8. Happy Birthday, MIsty!
  9. Happy Birthday, Syclips!
  10. Happy Birthday, jeffblacklab! Happy Birthday Glitter Graphics - Glitterlive.com/Save and Bookmark <br clear="left">">
  11. Happy Birthday, Apollo....May all your dreams come true.
  12. Happy Birthday, theokrass... I wish you all the best.
  13. Happy Birthday, CrashOverRide!
  14. Happy Birthday, David!
  15. Happy Birthday to, Spike's Mom
  16. Happy Birthday, Poetmotion!
  17. Happy Birthday gh`
  18. You are all so kind and, I thank you with all my heart...xoxoxoxox
  19. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, means a lot to me.
  20. Happy Birthday to my dear friend. DashRiprock
  21. Happy Birthday , Namelessme !
  22. Happy Birthday, Ducky!
  23. Happy Birthday, BeguilingMyst!
  24. Happy Birthday, neon!
  25. Happy Birthday, Coby
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