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Everything posted by Stormy

  1. Stormy said: Nick said in channel alert Sep 14th, 2009, 12:57pm ON 1:TEXT:*Put-Your-Name-Here*:#: { echo 13 -a $server : $nick said $1- 13 in $chan 3 : on $asctime(dddd mmm dd yy h:nn:ss tt) : /splay ringout.wav } Just copy and paste this to a new remote
  2. foreverurs said: ChanServ Command Center(Dialog) Jan 1st, 2009, 6:23pm Hi everyone This dialog is designed to make the use of ChanServ a little easier heres what you have to do in order to use this step 1) in your mIRC type //echo $mircdir step 2) Extract dcx_v1.4.0.zip into the folder that $mircdir returns step 3) load the following 3 files into the scripts editor Csdpi96.txt dcx.mrc dcx_tools.mrc the dialog has no buttons its all right click menus I think some of you will find this makes the usage of ChanServ commands much faster and easier i hope you enjoy this add-on if you find any bugs or anything please let me know you have to have ChanServ access (i.e Founder/Access/xop) in order for all the commands to work some commands are only allowed to be used by the Channel Founder here is one picture of the one i use, the version in this post has captions above the listviews to let you know what each one is http://i39.tinypic.com/2ensto3.jpg BUGS FOUND TO DATE there was no menu in the access listing to remove a user from sop aop hop or vop BUG FIXED also adding to vop from the access listview actually adds to hop BUG FIXED dcx_v1_4_0.zip
  3. Spike said: my spammer Mar 16th, 2010, 2:28pm menu channel { AutoSpam Movie Nite .On: set %mnite $$?="Topic Tribute to Corey Haim!! !" | mnite .Off: stoptimerm } alias mnite { timermnite 0 3600 msg #koachsworkshop Please Join us on Tuesday Evening 03/16/2010 for our Movie Chat. Topic: Tribute to Corey Haim!!!! %mnite Time: 8:30PM EST Place: #Sidewalkcafe http://koach.com/index.php?id=chatlogin&client=web&chan=%23SidewalkCafe } alias stoptimerm { timermnite off | unset %mnite }
  4. Spike said: easy to use mp3 player Jun 5th, 2010, 10:17am this may help some of our chatters who have trouble with english mp3-player.zip
  5. Spike said: Cool popups coolpopups-.zip
  6. Zandor said: Nov 3rd, 2010, 10:06pm alias colorful { var %r 07 02 03 10 12 04 06 13,%l 1,%b 1,%x while (%l <= $len($1-)) { if ($mid($1-,%l,1) == $chr(32)) { %x = %x $+ $gettok(%r,%b,32) $+ $chr(32) $+ $ifmatch } else { %x = %x $+ $gettok(%r,%b,32) $+ $mid($1-,%l,1) } %b = $iif(%b == 8,1,$calc(%b + 1)) inc %l } return %x } alias red { var %r 07 04,%l 1,%b 1,%x while (%l <= $len($1-)) { ;if (($mid($1-,%l,1) == $chr(32)) || ($mid($1-,%l,1) isnum)) { %x = %x $+ $gettok(%r,%b,32) $+ $chr(32) $+ $ifmatch } if ($mid($1-,%l,1) == $chr(32)) { %x = %x $+ $gettok(%r,%b,32) $+ $chr(32) $+ $ifmatch } else { %x = %x $+ $gettok(%r,%b,32) $+ $mid($1-,%l,1) } %b = $iif(%b == 5,1,$calc(%b + 1)) inc %l } return %x } alias xms { var %r 03 04,%l 1,%b 1,%x while (%l <= $len($1-)) { ;if (($mid($1-,%l,1) == $chr(32)) || ($mid($1-,%l,1) isnum)) { %x = %x $+ $gettok(%r,%b,32) $+ $chr(32) $+ $ifmatch } if ($mid($1-,%l,1) == $chr(32)) { %x = %x $+ $gettok(%r,%b,32) $+ $chr(32) $+ $ifmatch } else { %x = %x $+ $gettok(%r,%b,32) $+ $mid($1-,%l,1) } %b = $iif(%b == 2,1,$calc(%b + 1)) inc %l } return %x } alias xms1 { msg # $xms($1-) }
  7. Zandor said: Sep 28th, 2008, 11:43am ; Millisecond Pinger by eXonyte ; Type /mping <nickname> to ping someone in milliseconds instead of seconds. ; Also attempts to maintain compatibility with normal /ctcp <nick> PING replies, ; and will display the text if someone's script replies with text instead of a number. ; Alias to send a millisecond ping alias mping { ; Sends the actual ping as a raw .raw PRIVMSG $$1 : $+ $chr(1) $+ PING $ticks $+ $chr(1) ; Echoes a CTCP PING lookalike to the active window echo $colour(ctcp) -t $+ $iif($active == Status Window,se,a) -> [[ $+ $$1 $+ ]] PING } ; Handles CTCP PING replies on *:CTCPREPLY:*PING*: { ; If the reply isn't a number, let mIRC handle it if ($2 !isnum) { return } ; If the current $ticks minus the reply is greater than 0 if ($calc($ticks - $2) > 0) { ; Echo the ping reply to the active window echo $colour(ctcp) -at $+ $iif($active == Status Window,e) [[ $+ $nick PING reply]: $calc($ticks - $2) $+ ms ; And halt so that mIRC doesn't show its own ping reply halt } }
  8. on *:NOTICE:*:*: { if (Nickserv!*service* iswm $fulladdress) && (Koach.com == $network) && (*nickname is registered* iswm $1-) { identify ********** } } put the above in remotes and do the following ********** <---- replace that with your password Back to top
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