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Everything posted by Stormy

  1. Stormy

    50th Anniversary

    I could handle a few months in Italy, as long as I have my camera.
  2. Stormy

    50th Anniversary

    An elderly Italian gentleman was recently being commended for his upcoming 50th wedding anniversary. "To what do you owe the success of your marriage?" one young man asked. "For our twenty-fifth anniversary I took my wife to Italy!" the gentleman replied. There were oohs and ahhs from the crowd. "What are your plans for your upcoming 50th anniversary?" another asked. " I'm gonna go and bring her back" replied the gentleman. from email, no attribution, author unknown
  3. The Pope went on vacation for a few days to visit the rugged mountains of Alaska . He was cruising along the campground in the Pope-Mobile when he heard a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods. He found a helpless Democrat wearing shorts, sandals, a 'Vote for Obama' hat and a 'Save the Trees' shirt. The man was screaming and struggling frantically, thrashing all about, and trying to free himself from the grasp of a 10-foot grizzly bear. As the Pope watched in horror, a group of Republican loggers wearing 'Go Sarah' shirts came racing up. One quickly fired a 44 magnum slug right into the bear's chest. The two other men pulled the semiconscious Democrat from the bear's grasp. Then using baseball bats, the three loggers finished off the bear. Two of the men dragged the dead grizzly onto the bed of their pickup truck while the other tenderly placed the injured Democrat in the back seat. As they began to leave, the Pope summoned all of the men over to him. "I give you my blessing for your brave actions!" he proudly proclaimed.. "I have heard there was bitter hatred between Republican loggers and Democratic environmental activists, but now I've seen with my own eyes that this is not true." As the Pope drove off, one logger asked his buddies, "Who the heck was that guy?" "Dude, that was the Pope," another replied. "He's in direct contact with Heaven and has access to all wisdom." "Well," the logger said, "he may have access to all wisdom, but he doesn't know squat about bear hunting! By the way, is the bait still alive or do we need to go back to Massachusetts and get another one?" Source: World Net Daly Forums
  4. Excellent idea Spike, you're free to use any of mine here and also any appropriate pics from my fotki (I have about 41 on this page http://public.fotki.com/NormWilson/pets/ and I have camels, goats, deer, squirrels, Antelopes and such in other albumsif you decide to continue
  5. Happy Birthday eXonyte
  6. Did you break your back leg Koach?
  7. Now that is my kinda computer room!!!!
  8. Happy Birthday Crysta (note the larger font for older eyes)
  9. Happy Birthday Simple
  10. George Washington
  11. Happy Birthday Dawn
  12. Joseph Michael 11:34PM February 8, 2011 at Bid Bend Regional Hospital in Alpine, brewster County Texas along with Proud Papa Chris.
  13. Happy Birthday SandyBearSmiley
  14. no, go back to your settings/profile/change signature, look in the edit box below your sig and copy everything there and paste it to my PM
  15. I need a new signature line. Anyone have a suggestion?
  16. Happy Birthday tomcat
  17. 10/16 koach.com
  18. Last time you were on you just used hearts, this was about two or three months after the bridge collapsed, you used Crowwoman first. Any way, when ya coming back to the workshop to visit with us?
  19. Stormy


    This is a picture I took of the front gate to the Ryan Ranch on US Highway 90, between Alpine and Van Horne, the Ryans were pioneers in the Big Bend area of Texas in the 1880's.
  20. Nice cats my youngest dog is named Gizmo
  21. Thanks engines
  22. Thanks for starting this Tony. I'm Stormy and as most of you know, I've been an ircop on koach.com since it first opened. My main interests are: 1] koach.com and all our friends there. 2] Hunting, target shooting camping and traveling. 3] I don't play many games and those I do are mostly on-line poker games such as; Full Tilt, Pokerstars and pokerfunclub. I'm 66 years old and a US Navy Viet Nam vet, I worked many jobs requiring many different skills, from Poke Dealer in Las Vegas to Detailing Limos and Custom Cars, and just about anything in between. I currently live in Alpine, Texas, Gateway to the Big Bend, but have lived in Las Vegas, NV, San Bernardino, Ontario, Pomona, Fontana and Rialto in CA, New Orleans LA, Jacksonville FL, Norfolk VA, Trenton NJ, Galveston, Santa Fe, Pearland, Alvin, Houston, Pasadena, San Angelo and Dublin TX. Up to 1990 I had never lived anywhere more than about 5 or 7 years, I have lived here for 20 and never plan to move again. My wife (Blondie, b, b-bed, etc on koach.com) and I bought our first home here in 1999 (first for us and first for each of us, as well).
  23. I'm a Happy Camper, we actually got snow :)

    1. Zimri


      You can have CT's snow if you like. I'm sick of it.

    2. Stormy


      LOL, no thanks :)

    3. sassyredhead


      I love the snow and we got over 6 inches yesterday.

  24. We got snow today, nothing measurable but I can see it out there :)

  25. Nice doggy
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