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Everything posted by Stormy

  1. Stormy


    LOL good one boss.
  2. Happy Birthday, reclaimer.
  3. Happy Birthday Wild Kitty
  4. I'll mention that Friday, could be thet'd like to join while chatting within their own channel. I do know they have a wealth of knowledge to share with us.
  5. Stormy

    Bungee Cords

    Now you have me interested Nan, I was just going to add "ROFL" to the joke, but now I have to research a bunch of stuff 1] How and why did this begin? 2] Where did the name "Pentecost" come from? BAH!!!
  6. I would be interested, but that's the same time the recipezaar people have their scheduled chats. Recipezaar chat has scheduled chats on Wednesday and Friday evenings. Approximately 8 PM US Central Time (-06:00 UTC)
  7. ARRRR, shiver me timber . . . . blasted hook :'(
  8. A very interesting man, thank you Henry.
  9. Stormy


  10. Here's a few pics of our new puppies, Shiloh is the larger one with the red saddle, Trooper is the smaller male with the black spot in front of his tail. Well, I couldn't upload any, so here's the link to the FOTKI album. http://public.fotki.com/NormWilson/2012-07-15-puppies/
  11. Ouchies Koach, that's disturbing. LOL Dodge, that looks like the bike I had stolen from my backyard when I lived on the other side of town, expect a visit from the coppers, I've sent them details.
  12. Happy Birthday Nan
  13. Happy Birthday TV_Tech
  14. Nice pics Nan
  15. Stormy


    I don't care who ya are, them's cute, good eatin' too I bet
  16. Stormy

    Memory Tricks

  17. Stormy

    Medical advice

    good one
  18. All wildfires are annoying
  19. Happy Birthday little grasshopper
  20. Happy Birthday David
  21. Stormy


  22. Happy belated Birthday Patsy
  23. Stormy


    Kids tend to forget, Teachers have heard it all before.
  24. Fox in the Hen House, eh? LOL seriously, a very nice pic casa
  25. Stormy


    I recall a TV series called "Mod Squad" The Mod Squad is a television series that ran on ABC from September 24, 1968, until August 23, 1973. http://en.wikipedia....i/The_Mod_Squad
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