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Everything posted by Stormy

  1. That's pretty cool.
  2. Happy Birthday Space, we haven't seen you in awhile.
  3. Stormy

    Kids Say

    Not a bad parting shot (last one)
  4. Happy Birthday, Jeremy
  5. YUUUK
  6. NOTE: this is just the filling, the crust, heat and timing for the pie is up to the individual. 7 medium Red Delicious apples (or enough to make 6 cups uncooked) 1/2 Cup Sugar 1/4 Cup Flour 3/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon 1/4 Teaspoon Nutmeg Cook this mixture over a low flame until apples are soft and spices are fully incorporated. Makes enough for One 9" pie.
  7. LOL, good one Nan
  8. what pancake said ^^ other than that, I think it's a good job, certainly better than I could do.
  9. nonsense, it's clearly a dogerpiller
  10. Stormy


    oh gawdd
  11. Stormy


  12. Stormy


    And may you live in interesting times, Paddy, me boyo.
  13. Stormy

    In a minute

    Sounds like the answers I get
  14. Stormy

    Two Bachelors

    What's a "clean" plate?
  15. Happy Birthday Buffy
  16. Here ya go Les and Buffy
  17. Don't come hiding behind me.
  18. Now that there's funny, I don't care who ya are.
  19. LOL, I'm not sure I want to.
  20. Thank you Nan and Elusive
  21. Sounds like me.
  22. Looks like "seneschal" to me, but the definition doesn't fit. Sorry 1. historical the steward or major-domo of a medieval great house. 2. historical a governor or other administrative or judicial officer
  23. Stormy

    He's in Georgia

    LOL, sounds like Alabama
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