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Everything posted by Stormy
I recently (Early this weekend) upgraded to Windows 10. Everything went smoothly (I did have to reinstall quite a few programs, but they were all there and just needed to be reinstalled to ensure they worked correctly with 10) I lost a few older apps, but as I didn't recognize the names, I figured they were no great loss. The one problem I had that was making me fret somewhat was my Windows Live Mail. I was receiving fine, but could not send. In attempting to send I kept getting this error message: So I promptly raced over to Senor Google and pasted this search string: "What causes this error: Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E Socket Error: 10060" I read down and found that one person had repaired the same error message by simply opening his email properties, clicking on the "Advanced" tab and in 'Outgoing email (SMTP) changing the Port from the default of 25 to 587. I did that and shazaam, my email now sends fine
Little Johnny is always being teased by the other neighborhood boys for being stupid. Their favorite joke is to offer Johnny his choice between a nickel and a dime, Little Johnny always takes the nickel. One day, after Johnny takes the nickel, a neighbor takes him aside and says, "Johnny, those boys are making fun of you. Don't you know that a dime is worth more than a nickel, even though the nickel's bigger?" Johnny grins and says, "Well, if I took the dime, they'd stop doing it, and so far I've made $20!"
OK, thanks for letting us know and I'm glad you broke down and went to the ER. Sorry about the ankle but now it matches your knee
A man was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess." He bent over, picked up the frog, and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will tell everyone how smart and brave you are and how you are my hero" The man took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will be your loving companion for an entire week." The man took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket. The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you for a year and do ANYTHING you want." Again the man took the frog out, smiled at it, and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess, that I'll stay with you for a year and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?" The man said, "Look, I'm a computer programmer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog is cool."
ROFL, one of those "Funny, too bad it's true" things
LOL, you did more research than I did, I only verified that it was further from five and quit. Thanks for the additions
Just some things I found Just to give ya'll something to think about There is one fact not included in that image: Dalhart, TX is closer to 5 other state Capitals than it is to its own. True!
I need a truck this weekend, can I use yours? Please?
Re" The Orient Express? LOL
Saturday June 18, 2016. Not much going on today, half staff on duty in PT Dept. She did stairs again today, 5 up 5 down twice, She wanted me to thank everyone for the kind wishes and she'll be back as soon as she can She also wanted me to thank Elusive for the card.
I just realized that I gave no update yesterday but that's because I didn't go up yesterday, I took the day off and napped around the house LOL: I forget how far she walked yesterday, but she did 182 feet today, which is less than Wednesday, however they also had her climbing stairs today, five up, five down, five up again and five down again. All in all that's better than walking since we have a small set of stairs here between the office and the rest of the house. I'll be in KWS later tonight, I have a couple of things to do and just got home at 9:00 P. M.
LOL, actually twice: [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:17:27] <Stormy> well, Fovea, if you wouldn't like to get upset, then I won't take that chance, Okay babe? and [4:18:03-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> Fovea, are you OK, Babe? But Dawn reminded me that it's not "Babe" she resents, it's "Baby"
Will do, Nan, thanks
Wednesday 06/15/2016 Even better today, she walked 230 feet today Still set to come home on the 21st
She's going to try, she went to sleep charging the netbook LOL
You're welcome TV so here's today's update: She's improving every day, she walked 182 feet today with no assistance, her legs hurt, but they operate on the "No Pain, No Gain" principle, She should be coming home next week and the main thing is her spirits are high, she's really Psyched up over the progress she's making with her PT. She says to thank everyone for the well wishes and the good thoughts you're all sending her. She says it helps to know that so many care about her. So thanks Guys and Gals More tomorrow
What I want to know here is quite simple. How did you get a picture of my Riding Mower?
I absolutely refuse to acknowledge that Koach asked me a question in 2012 and I never did answer the man, that is so rude At this point in time, I can't even recall if I asked them that and thus, I haven't the foggiest what they may or may not have answered. I am so sorry Koach and Pancake, I have no idea what was going on in my mind that allowed me to be so Rude, If you should still be interested in starting this up Pancake, let me know sometime after the 21st of June . . . This year if I have the right to ask such a thing LOL
I kept the time stamps because I was too lazy to remove them, I'll not do that in future. Begin Conversation here: [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:16:50] <Stormy> Fovea, would you get upset if I removed your halfop status? [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:16:55] <Fovea> stormy: I am not so sure if I would like to get upset if you removed my halfop status. Note, she didn't tell me not to call her Babe, I thought that was something she always said when you call her Babe. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:17:27] <Stormy> well, Fovea, if you wouldn't like to get upset, then I won't take that chance, Okay babe? [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:17:29] <Fovea> stormy: Well that's okay. Who else would not like to get upset ? What will you do instead? NOTE: She didn't say "Don't call me Babe" and she always says that when you call her Babe. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:18:11] <Stormy> I don't have the foggiest Fovea, maybe just whine for a bit, do you think that might help? [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:18:14] <Fovea> stormy: Have you ever had the foggiest maybe just whine for a bit do me think that might help ? [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:18:55] <Stormy> ok Fovea, that one did two things: it officially confused me and made me laugh, so it's all good now. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:18:58] <Fovea> stormy: Right now? "Have you ever had the foggiest maybe just whine for a bit do me think that might help ?" one did two things it officially confused you and made you laugh so it is all good ? I understand. I understand. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:17] <Stormy> thanks you Fovea [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:20] <Fovea> stormy: You are quite welcome! Do you? [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:30] <Stormy> yes Fovea, I do [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:32] <Fovea> stormy: When? [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:38] <Stormy> just now Fovea [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:40] <Fovea> stormy: Oh. It's only just begun. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:02] <Stormy> yes, Fovea, it's only just begun and the best is yet to come. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:04] <Fovea> stormy: That's alright. Really. it is? [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:22] <Stormy> Yes, Fovea, it is. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:26] <Fovea> stormy: Our thoughts are one, . [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:53] <Stormy> Now that right there is scary, Fovea. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:56] <Fovea> stormy: Why now? "Our thoughts are one, ." right there is scary ? I understand. [06/14/2016-Tue,-2:21:49] <Stormy> ok, that conversation right there is going on the forum right freakin NOW LOL [06/14/2016-Tue,-3:13:42] * Disconnected [3:40:13-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> Had to come back, I lost that conversation I had with Fovea [3:40:18-Tue-06/14/2016] <Fovea> stormy: :-) Yes I always have to come back you lost that conversation you had with. [3:40:43-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> shut it, Fovea, you wore out old bot [3:40:46-Tue-06/14/2016] <Fovea> stormy: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? NOTE: See how she changed the topic there? [3:41:54-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> Koach, time to get out the screwdriver, she's losing her hold on what reality she once had (which was slight at the best of times) I freely admit that fact. End Conversation here. [4:18:03-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> Fovea, are you OK, Babe? [4:18:06-Tue-06/14/2016] <Fovea> stormy: I don't know whether or not I am OK Babe.I am a Machine. [4:18:48-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> and she still didn't tell me not to call her Babe, strange that. Sorry, I'm babbling and going to sleep right now.
I really don't know how to express my feelings on this, Zimri, I lost a 21 year old Dog last year. I really shouldn't call Toughie a dog, he was my best friend for 21 long, happy, playful years, I miss him still. Two weeks after Toughie passed, I found my 20 year old Domino Cat Oreo in my back yard, I'm not ashamed to say that I cried many tears over those two friends and family members, it was like losing two of my children . . . seriously! I loved those those two and they returned that love one hundred fold. I'm not going to say you'll get over it, you won't, but in time, you'll remember the good memories more than you will the sadness of their passing. So, all I can say right now is; I'm so sorry for your loss. My Forum post on Losing Toughie: http://www.koach.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8023-we-lost-one-of-our-family-last-week/ My Forum Post on losing Oreo: http://www.koach.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8024-and-another-one-today-been-a-rough-month-here/ The pic of Toughie was taken when he was about 15 and as you can see, still happy and active. The one of Oreo was right after I got her, she like to sit and lie down on my old 19" CRT Monitor (that's a 25 foot Lufkin Tape next to her LOL, she was so tiny. And I'm sure Tigger owned you much more than you owned Tigger, that's just how it is with pets.
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