The object of Frenzy is to create as many words as you can from one larger word (the Frenzy Word).
Frenzy commands (typed in the room):
!WFobject to see the object of the game
!WFcommands for game commands
!WFstart ~ to Begin Game
!WFstop ~ to End Game
!WFchamp ~ to See CHAMP Score
!WFhof ~ to See The Hll of Fame
!WFstat ~ to See Your Score
!WFstat <nickname> ~ to See That Player's Score
!WFscores ~ to See Current Players Scores
!WFaddword <word> to submit the word to Game Dictionary
To join in a current game, just start typing your words.
The object is to make as many 3 or more letter words in one minute as you can, out of the letters in the Frenzy Word given.
For example, a Frenzy Word might be: UNSOCIABLE
From that word you could make words of able, social, can, and so on.
Points are awarded according to the length of the word. Able would be 4 points, can would be 3 points, and social would be 6 points.
Have Fun!