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Everything posted by Star

  1. I saw this on a friend's Facebook post and wanted to share it. GRANDCHILD by definition: A grandchild is a special person in your life through a special person you gave life. A grandchild holds a special place in your heart, meant only for them to take part. A grandchild reminds you how to laugh and play just as you did before your children grew up. A grandchild is given to you as a gift from above, so show them how much they are always loved.
  2. Star

    Died headmaster

    LOL, Henry.
  3. Oh, Casa, this sounds so wonderful. The scandanavian genes on my mother's side are jumping for joy to try this!
  4. Whew, at first I thought you said you were scheduling a c-section and just made a typo. Hurry back <3
  5. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and hope to see you soon, hon.
  6. Those are so amazing, LOL. Such a wonderful idea!
  7. Leaving the sliders at midline so they are not figured into my scores, my matches were all Republican--Perry (60.1%), Bachmann (53.4%), Gingrich (46.8%). It is interesting to see how nearly identical Obama and Romney are in issues and overall score. The only things they differ in is their view on marriage (Obama imporant) and experience (Romney important). Moving the sliders to reflect the importance of the issues to me, my matches change to: Bachmann (56.1%), Perry (54.1%), Gingrich (50.1%). I am surprised about Perry being in both sets of results. Maybe I am coloring my thoughts about how he is now too much based on him working for Al Gore in the past. I feel a kinship to Bachmann and always have. She stands up to the system more than I perceive the others as doing, and I like that about her. As a person, I feel she is someone who would be in my social circle based on her compassion for children and the amazing number of children she and her husband have fostered. Gingrich, well he is Gingrich. He know the system the best. He is feisty and I like that. He is a wonderful historian and I like to watch him speak to history. However, I do not admire his lifestyle and there is something off for him to have been married three times. Based on this test (and at this time), I still plan to vote for Gingrich or Bachmann depending on who ends up in the final two. If they both make it, then it is time for me to retake the test. As expected, Obama and I are polar opposites. I in no way am voting for Romney unless he is the ONLY choice. I see no indication of a confidence interval, so my matches may be statistically equal. They seem pretty close.
  8. Star

    Of Great Value

    That is such a peaceful verse, so beautiful. Imagine a world of truth and love.
  9. Thanks for posting, grip. That is good information about the percentages. I will see what can be done about them. I'm not sure how many of us are balanced, but definitely worth looking into.
  10. "7 Things Highly Productive People Do" By Ilya Pozin | @ilyaNeverSleeps | Dec 13, 2011 Tips for staying productive: 1. Work backwards from goals to milestones to tasks. Writing
  11. "God seeks all to be one with Him. And as all things were made by Him, that which is the creative influence in every herb, every mineral, every vegetable, every individual activity, is that same force ye call God--and seeks expression! Even as when God said: 'Let there be light,' and there was light. For, this is law; this is love." [Edgar Cayce 294-202]
  12. "More individuals become so anxious about their own troubles, and yet helping others is the best way to rid yourself of your own troubles. For what is the pattern? He gave up heaven and entered physical being that ye might have access to the Father." [Edgar Cayce 5081-1]
  13. "Know the first principles: There is good in all that is alive." [Edgar Cayce 2537-1]
  14. "For, as has been given, it is not all of life to live, nor yet all of death to die. For life and death are one, and only those who will consider the experience as one may come to understand or comprehend what peace indeed means." [Edgar Cayce 1977-1]
  15. "... there are no shortcuts to knowledge, to wisdom, to understanding--these must be lived, must be experienced by each and every soul." [Edgar Cayce 830-2]
  16. "... there is no urge in the astrological, in the vocational, in the hereditary or the environment--which surpasses the will or determination of an entity...it is true there is nothing in heaven or hell that may separate the entity from the knowledge or from the love of the Creative Force, called God--but self." [Edgar Cayce 5023-2]
  17. "For the mind is both spiritual and physical in its attributes to the human body, and if ye feed thy body-mind upon worldly things, ye become worldly. If ye feed they mind upon those things that are His, ye become his indeed." [Edgar Cayce 1299-1]
  18. Star

    Cute YouTubes

    "Jorge and Alexa Narvaez wish you a Feliz Navidad" The little girl in this Hyundai Christmas commercial is darling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAe2xaOUuSU g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAe2xaOUuSU
  19. Star

    Lurker Again

    I love this one, Lins. What a beautiful animal.
  20. Star

    God will provide

  21. Fascinating question though. <grin>
  22. Star

    Of Great Value

    Thank you for sharing this, Lins. It is a beautiful passage. This is one from John 14 that has special meaning for me: "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."
  23. Boy, true that, gh. It sure is interesting how true these are (from my impression of us).
  24. That was some night, huh? I was in chat as well, but then when haven't we been in chat, LOL. The disruption preparing for a cyberattack possiiblity was interesting. It caused a lot of programmers to redesign things. I remember what the move to 4-digit years caused (ugh). The Mayans (and, btw, not only that culture) and a recent mathematical extrapolation that seems to converge coincidentally at the same time the calendar ends all point to something happening. Not to say the world will dissolve, just something. Other than the math model, all of the cultural projections are so ancient and they all point to "something" around that time--coincidence?. For me, this is hard to completely dismiss. It sure makes one wonder and wondering is so interesting to explore. The Y2K event was just one of numerous ongoing terror threats that come and hopefully pass unnoticed. In the case of events like these, it is always better to prepare ... just in case. How the media covers such preparation blows it way out of proporation for sure. Whether we each of us wonders and leaves open the possibility or chooses to dismiss an event (like in the case of Y2K), I bet we all give a little "whew" after the deadline has passed.
  25. Star

    A "New" Look

    [/td][td] Hello, I'm Star. I like to talk about science, enjoy learning about and discussing religions, and often ponder the metaphysical.[/td]Come to visit my world and share your thoughts & interests! [/td][/size]
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