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Everything posted by Star

  1. I wish I knew how to do stuff like that.
  2. Star

    What is it?

    That is fascinating. I know electricity follows the vessels. Never have seen anything like this.
  3. Star

    Just Thinking

    That is a little darling!
  4. Great pics, Dodger
  5. Star

    The pregnant woman

  6. so wonderful
  7. American Statistical Association http://www.amstat.org/
  8. Well, no more guesses? He was a contestant on one of the reality shows I watch. He is in his 20's and looks a lot like the pics Koach posts of himself. I suspect the similarity is because Koach is only 29.
  9. Dodger, we look forward to having you back in chat soon. Happy New Year my friend and to all.
  10. A friend of mine posted this on Facebook after losing her husband a few years ago. While we learn to live with the sadness, this gave me a smile. I thought I would share it so that others might smile.
  11. Academic Ladder blog http://gblog2.academicladder.com/
  12. I think so, too.
  13. Who do you think this is?
  14. AcWriMo founder Charlotte Frost's blog post on Phd2Published
  15. The first thing I thought of was a horse moving when sideways or jumping. GTMA. <3
  16. LOL that is fun. Who are all of those old people?
  17. I nearly fainted when I looked up and saw this on TV, then realized what it was. It is pretty amazing.
  18. This is amazing! The aerial picture down on the pyramids all covered in snow must be what it looked like when they were new and all covered with bright white. I love it.
  19. "No matter how wrong we are, it is always good enough for government work."
  20. In reference to readers chat, this viewer is an interesting tool. It has a lot of source data and a good number of filters. The trends are interesting. he source data is downloadable with the disclaimer that it is relatively enormous. The home page for the viewer is at https://books.google.com/ngrams Leave it to Google to make data mining of big data accessible to the normal users.
  21. Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, as well as the second-costliest hurricane in United States history. Wikipedia Total fatalities: 285 Lowest pressure: 940 mb Highest winds: 115 mph (185 km/h) Date: October 22, 2012 – October 31, 2012 Category: Category 3 Hurricane (SSHS) Affected areas: Greater Antilles, Eastern United States, Bermuda,Bahamas, Eastern Canada Deployment: Ten weeks.
  22. [table] It is only at the moment of humans' realistic admission to selves of having made a mistake that they are the closest to that mysterious integrity governing the universe.—R. Buckminster Fuller Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them—every day begin the task anew.—Saint Francis de Sale http://www.davidco.com/newsletters/archive/1213.html Article discusses how completion of goal enhances motivation. Feels like burst of organizational energy. Enhanced organization brings awareness of more "stuff" to write down and track. More "stuff" feels overwhelming. Motivation slows. Next-action decisions are avoided. Focus on more "stuff" piling up. System drags. Want to stop focusing on falling off track, forgive self, and jump back on track. Goal is to have ability to refocus become natural part of the system.
  23. Heck, this sounds interesting even if an unsupervised adult.
  24. Star

    Kids Say

    LOL, so cute.
  25. This is the location of our story tonight. Interesting to see where it all took place.
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