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Everything posted by Star

  1. TV_Tech reminded me of this in chat today. Smiley, what the heck is a flatty?
  2. Frightening. I can't imagine. Thank you for sharing them, Nan.
  3. Star

    My Favorite Animal

    LOL, that is so cute.
  4. Oh man, that sandwich looks good.
  5. Found a new resource for free eBooks: https://www.bookbub.com/ebook-deals/free-ebooks All categories. I downloaded my first book yesterday and am using the Amazon cloud reader. Love it!
  6. Oh, my, Nan. Not the best way to start a day. Other than the inferno, your neighborhood and your view are so pretty.
  7. Man, Dash's virtual cookies look sooooooooooooooooo good right now.
  8. Obviously he lost my mind too. Happy Birthday, dear lady.
  9. Food always works for me.
  10. That's crazy!
  11. Holy cow! What a beautiful picture. Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  12. Happy Birthday, Lovely Lady.
  13. Has anyone heard of this happening in the middle of doing basically nothing? Thanks.
  14. Happy Birthday, sweet lady.
  15. I think I happied you in #WasteLand. If not, Happy Birthday here.
  16. Cute kids.
  17. I'm so sorry, Stormy & Blondie.
  18. Oh my. I'm overwhelmed by all this input. Thanks to all of you. I need a bit of time to digest (aka understand) all of this.
  19. I get an error message when I click on the .bmp, but I want to look at your lake.
  20. I need to buy an external drive 232+ GB in order to have my Carbonite make a mirror image of my laptop. Can some of you please check these out and give me some opinions? http://www.frys.com/search?query_search=&cat=-69562&pType=pDisplay&fq=100385%20500&sort=price%20asc&start=0&cat=-69562&from=0&to=24 Thanks for your input, Star
  21. Star

    My Cats

    Beautiful animals, Casa
  22. Happy Birthday my dear friend to the north. Hugs!
  23. Wow. Stay safe! I look up what a curtain fig is and it is amazing.
  24. What an obit!
  25. Dodger, I just saw this thread. I absolutely adore the pet ducks. I would so love them. However, if you EVER post a picture as scary and spidery as that crab, I might need to pinch you. That is horrifying!
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