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Everything posted by Star

  1. Nan, I can think of nowhere else I would be except in chat, LOL.
  2. Thanks for posting this article. I agree and believe that the Mayans did not predict the End of Times. From a few documentaries that I have seen, it is said that there will be the end of a cycle. The ends of cycles coincide with major events. It sure will be an interesting year and I am glad that we will all be around to discuss it in the coming new year. Great post, Henry.
  3. She is so cute, Stormy, LOL.
  6. Of course you didn't mean me. As you can see from my picture, I am a monkey, not a turkey.
  7. Happy Birthday, Susan
  8. Okay, that sounds good! I will try that this weekend. I want to first finish my banana muffins (just a practice baking experiment from a box using a new pan).. I don't want to have too many dessert yummies around lest I eat them all.
  9. Oh gosh, gh, they are darling. When I look in those eyes, it makes me want pets even more. What little sweeties.
  10. Happy Birthday, muffin!
  11. Happy Birthday, Tony
  12. I can't believe you wore that in public, LOL!
  13. Star

    A Face Lift

    Thank yew. I love it.
  14. Star

    Funny pics

    LOL Nan!
  15. It is so beautiful, DanX thanks so much for sharing.
  16. These are the rules from the male side.
  17. I love the pics! Look at that face in the first one, so clear and sweet.
  18. ..... daydreams of winter ....
  19. I stayed home to work on thesis and prepare for a number of errands I needed to run today. There are no children around here as I live in a senior (55+) community. My impression is that nowdays children would stay within their own neighborhoods where there is some degree of security. Did you do anything, David?
  20. Happy Halloween, tooooooooooooooooooooo .... (boo!)
  21. Charles has asked that I post his personality: INTJ, a scientist. ::taps foot until charles can find his way back into the forum::
  22. I am INFP, an Idealist
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