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Everything posted by Star

  1. Apologies for dozing off during Readers this week. Want to say that I loved the story and the introduction to the author! Both were great. I read some more of the newsletter and feel a lot closer to my Newfoundland brothers and sisters. What a wonderful place to visit some day. Such a simple idea from a local fellow with a huge legacy carried on by his family. Just wonderful. Thank you, Iceberg.
  2. Star


  3. I used Google Lens to search for matches to one of my photos and got this. 😐
  4. What happened?!
  5. Thanks again for this story, Stormy. I just re-read the author's conclusion and found it even more interesting that the first read. The conversations in Reader's never fail to inspire me to consider stories in different ways; something I very much appreciate. If anyone finds links to article comparing the findings of this story with society of today, please share. Thanks.
  6. LOL, you are a good boy. Nearly choked on my coffee.
  7. LOL!
  8. Rest in peace, my dear friend.
  9. Happy Birthday to everyone I missed replying to in the past year. I can't believe I am going to be 67 next year. Each year keeps getting better and better. If I would have known that, I would have gotten older sooner.
  10. Dash, what a little sweetie! Koach, that's mean!!
  11. So precious! I'm jealous you have pets.
  12. This just seemed so true to me ...
  13. Star

    No reason!

    man that is sure on point!
  14. Star

    No reason!

    this is a great thread, thanks Dawn. ... and no reason is the best reason
  15. Yikes!
  16. Star


    sj - I am so sorry about Tigger and thank you for sharing your feelings. <3
  17. Two weeks in a row! No work tonight, so I will be at readers again.
  18. I don't have to work today, so will be at reader's tonight.
  19. pink <3
  20. I thought this meant that Zoe got a dog.
  21. I love pet pics.
  22. Star


    Ooooooooooooh, I want one.
  23. Star

    No internet

    Hi Dawn. I shall keep your corner of the middle well dusted and stocked with snacks for when you come by. Hugs, Star
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